The beginning of something often sets the tone for everything that follows. Choose to begin with God.
Read MoreMost people don’t learn about sex in a healthy way.
Read MoreIf you’re shy, you don’t have to change who you are to get a date. You get to be you with more confidence. Here are a few things to think about.
Read MoreWhen it comes to dating, values matter.
Read MoreWhen you've met a girl who intrigues you and you're interested in taking the next step, here are a few things to consider.
Read MoreIf you're interested in a guy, but things seem to be moving slowly, here are a few things you can do...
Read MoreFear doesn't have to be your story.
Read MoreDo you see your sexuality as a tool to be used or as something to protect?
Read MoreWhat do you think about sex? How were you taught to think about it—as something beautiful or as something dirty?
Read MoreHave you ever dated someone you knew wasn’t right for you, but you kept dating them anyway? Or have you ever known something needed to change in your life, but you just…had a hard time making the change?
Read MoreSamantha has a hard time hanging out with her friend Paula, but it's not because of Paula. It's because of Jason, Paula's boyfriend...
Read MoreGuest post: I was 27 years old when I celebrated my first Valentine’s Day. Simon, now my husband, was my first boyfriend. It was very nice to have someone to celebrate with, but there are things I wish I had known when I was younger...
Read MoreWhen I was a child, I used to fantasize about what I would do if a boy tried to kiss me. If he tried, I would slap him in the face like they did in the old movies I used to watch...
Read MoreBrian wants to get married. He feels like his life will finally start when he finds that special person, and as he’s nearly 30 years old, he’s ready for a change. But when he mentions this to a coworker, she gives him a funny look...
Read MoreSarah began imaging her wedding in first grade. Her plan was to get married young—at twenty, just like her parents did. Then she and her husband could finish school together and start having kids. She had everything planned out.
But today, Sarah has a problem...
Read MoreDo you think if two people grow apart, they aren’t right for each other? Or do you think it’s possible for people to be “distracted” by life and start to believe lies about their relationship?
Read MoreWhat does February 14 mean to you? Is it a day meant for romance, or do you like to call it Singles Awareness Day?Some people love Valentine’s Day and some make jokes, but not all of us are familiar with the story of St. Valentine. The real St. Valentine.
Read MoreIn your relationship, you and your partner both need to be heard and understood. One key to strengthening your relationship is allowing your significant other to express their thoughts without nagging them or being pushy. At the end of the day, the two of you don’t have to agree with each other on everything—you just need to listen.
Read MoreGod in His great love has given you the ability to choose. That is His gift to you. Yes, there may be many choices for a spouse, but God knows who the best person is for you. He will tell you when to take action, and He will lead you just as He led my husband and me. We grew up on different continents and spoke different languages, but God still led us to one another.
Read MoreBy tackling these questions in advance, you will build a foundation to work from as you move toward marriage and mingling your life with another person’s.
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