We can’t allow fear to close doors our heavenly Father might want open.
Read MoreBehind every frustration is a wish. Behind every criticism is an unexpressed desire.
Read MoreI feel like I see amazing love stories happen all the time. Here’s what makes a story truly magical.
Read MoreSingleness can feel like a weight around your neck, but this isn’t what God wants for you.
Read MoreThe more you respect the women in your life, the more you will be interested in asking them out and being in an actual relationship.
Read MoreWhen it comes to matters of the heart, never underestimate the power of prayer.
Read MoreChristian dating can be awkward. Many young Christian men and women don’t know how to act in a healthy dating situation.
Read MoreIf you’re having a hard time forgiving your ex, go spend time with Jesus and ask Him about what you’re feeling.
Read MoreMany couples forget there is a bigger calling than just staying together and trying to make it through life. Christ is in you—the hope of glory.
Read MoreIf you could ask God anything, what would you say?
Read MoreFalling in love, dating, marrying, and staying married—all of these things are better and sweeter when we know our heavenly Father’s love for us. His love is what holds everything together.
Read MoreWhat can you do this Christmas season to reconnect your heart to the Father—focusing on the amazing gift He gave you, personally, two thousand years ago?
Read MoreNo matter the season, giving is important in a relationship because it has the ability to say, “You matter to me and I will show you with my actions, not just my words.”
Read MoreWhat can you do about commitment phobia?
Read MoreHere are a few things to consider as you’re seeking God and working through your dating questions.
Read MoreMost single Christians struggle with commitment jitters and dating relationships. However, there definitely is a real issue in the dating world that some call “commitment phobia.”
Read MoreBefore I had sex for the first time, I had so many questions. What was it going to be like? Was it really the way it seemed in books and movies? How did a person actually “do” it?
Read MoreHow do you know if this person you’re considering marrying will be faithful to you? There isn’t a foolproof system out there, but here are a few things to consider.
Read MoreA porn addiction often finds an open door through the “hole” in a person’s heart—the area that needs healing. As human beings, all of us have been hurt in one way or another, and we all are in need of healing.
Read MoreWhy is it that so many couples choose to move in together before marriage?
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