Becoming The One

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What Are You Asking the Lord for in 2025?

Your heavenly Father loves you more than your mind can fathom. Everything on earth has a limit—it eventually reaches some kind of border where it must stop. But that isn’t true with the Lord:

To all perfection I see a limit,
    but your commands are boundless. (Ps. 119:96 NIV)

His love for you is limitless. His heart for you has no borders where it must stop.

Our life on earth would look dramatically different if we really understood our worth to God and how much He loves us!

You and the Lord’s Extravagant Blessing

The blessing of the Lord surrounds you. Not because you’ve done a good job and earned it, but because that’s just who He is. He has so many good things stored up for you—more than your life actually has room for. Those extra blessings just pile up for your future generations.

But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands. (Ex. 20:6 NLT)

You matter so much to your heavenly Father that even the desires of your heart are precious to Him. That is important to understand, because sometimes the desires of our heart are actually signs of what God wants to do for us. 

So, what are your desires? 

What do you want to see happen in 2025?

Making a Prayer List for 2025 

Spend time with the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to direct your heart and help you hear His voice. Then write down your hopes and dreams for next year, keeping a few things in mind:

  • That God is bigger and better than any of us can understand or imagine (Eph. 3:20).

  • That He is so very, very good (Ex. 33:19).

  • That He is the Giver of good gifts (Jas. 1:17).

  • That He stores up good things for those who treasure Him (Ps. 31:19).

  • That His goodness is chasing you (Ps. 23:6).

  • That He is faithful to you (2 Thess. 3:3).

  • That He has given you all things to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17).

  • That everything He has is yours (Luke 15:31).

Make your list, and start praying into it. Let your faith rise up for what God wants to do in 2025.

Let God Lead Your Thinking

As you go over your list, remember God is limitless, so don’t set any limits on your list. What do limits look like? Human expectations. We can find ourselves expecting His goodness to look a certain way. “When this happens, it will look exactly the way I’m expecting.” But those are limits, and our Father is limitless.  

As you write your list and prayerfully carry it into 2025, keep your heart open to the Holy Spirit’s whispers, and let Him respond to your desires in the way He has planned.  

The goodness of God is all around you! It is pouring over you and your family. May you truly be blessed this next year!

Happy 7th birthday to Salomé’s book! This book has gone all over the world, and we’ve heard great testimonies of how God has used it. The sale ends on January 1. Click the button to learn more! The book is also available in Spanish.