It’s Time to Believe the Good Things God’s Saying!
Photo by Nathan Dumlao
Is it easy for you to believe God when He says good things about you?
This idea is closely knit to finding the right person and stepping into a great relationship with them. When you know who you are—that is, when you believe the good things God is saying about you—life becomes good and full of hope, not a trap filled with fear, self-hatred, and despair.
One morning when I was praying, I felt God say, “Tell Me who I am to you.”
So I started declaring all the amazing things He represents to me. “You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, my heavenly Father, my Savior, my Prince of Peace, God Almighty, merciful and loving. You are here with me, in me, and You never change.”
It’s always a lovely thing to speak out loud what God means to your heart.
But then God took it one step further.
He began to remind me of the qualities He’d developed in me—all good things, things that look like Him, the unique ways I show other people who He is.
Realization struck me, and my declarations changed. “I am Your beloved daughter. I belong to You. I am good, merciful, and loving.”
The words I received from the Lord that morning became a powerful declaration that not only changed the bad day I was having up until that point, but my heart transformed as I believed and accepted who I was.
Our true identity comes from the Lord, and everything changes as we choose to accept His words about who we are. Even the way we date and get to know new people can change.
Our identity doesn’t come from what we’re told as kids, from what the world instructs us to believe, or even from what we feel is true. God is the source of our identity, and He’s after a relationship with us—one that throws open the door to real life in our lives. The deeper our relationship with Him, the more real and beautiful life becomes. We’re able to go where He tells us and do what He assigns to us because we believe Him when He speaks.
Your true identity is never found in what you’ve accomplished or failed in. It isn’t based on striving for what you don’t have yet—but in knowing who you are and what you have in God. He isn’t so concerned with everything you do, try to start or build, or how well you behave. He just wants to be your delight, and when He’s your delight, the rest of life falls into place.
If you have relationship questions, that’s the best way to get them answered—by building your relationship with Him and opening your heart to believe His truth.
You have value to God right now as you read this, whether or not you feel you deserve it. The more the inside of you agrees with Him and His Word, the easier it will be for you to say “yes” to the wonderful life He’s crafting for you.
That’s a huge part of dating well and walking out the dreams He’s instilled in your heart.
Wherever you are in your relationship with Him, you get to lay aside the worst habits and the mistakes made in the past, and embrace your best qualities instead.
Some of us are afraid to step into the future He’s planned for us because we’re caught in self-hatred and shame. We expect to fail, to ruin everything, to freak out when we need to be strong, to wind up losing instead of winning.
What we need is His voice inside us filling us up with His love—until the voice of self-hatred doesn’t have room anymore.
Here are a few key areas where we can practice believing what God says about who and what we are. Each of these areas can have a significant impact on our dating lives.
When you’re struggling with feeling loved, read through the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Write down the truths and ideas that stand out to you, and repeat them to yourself regularly. Your list might look like this:
Father, You come running to find me when I’m far away. You throw Your arms around me and hold me close (v. 20).
You celebrate me when I’ve done nothing to deserve it (v. 23).
I am perfectly safe with You and have more than I need. Everything You have is mine (v. 31).
When you’re struggling with your physical appearance, read Psalm 139:14 and declare its truth over yourself:
Lord, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Your works are marvelous!
You made me in a sacred, special way that shows who You are.
When you feel lonely, read Isaiah 41:10 and list the points that move your heart:
I have no reason to fear, because You’re with me.
I won’t allow my heart to feel dismay or despair because You are my God!
I know You are right here to help me and strengthen me.
You uphold me with Your hand.
Even simple encounters with God carry the possibility of epic change that can get us ready for the good future He has for us!
As we find our identity in Christ, we get to act upon who we truly are and not upon what other people want us to be. Or even what we think we need to be! The world around us changes for the good as we walk out who we are—and this begins as we believe what the Lord is saying about us.
Interested in reading more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God? Here are a few articles on related topics:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.