Praying for Your Future Husband: Part 2
Photo by Artem Kovalev
My friends Dave and Sue Thompson recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and when he endorsed my book, Becoming the One, Dave wrote:
When Sue and I celebrated our fiftieth anniversary, we were overwhelmed to the point of tears at the reality of this particular milestone. Overwhelmed at the goodness of God in matching us up.
A fifty-year marriage is a truly significant milestone. Many of us look at marriage and fifty years and don’t really believe it could happen for us. Maybe it’s because of our age, or perhaps we don’t fully trust marriage after seeing someone else’s marriage fall apart.
But the fifty-year milestone is not out of reach in the Kingdom of God. In this article, I want to focus on prayer points geared to help the man you marry become someone who can run with you for the long haul—a man of deep character, humility, and internal health, who knows how to listen to God and love you well.
Though this article was written specifically for single women who want to start praying for their future husbands right now, married women are invited to pray the following prayers as well. Whether you’re married or single, going to God is always the answer.
[Click here to read part 1 in this series on praying for your husband.]
Pray That Your Future Husband Becomes Like Christ
All of us need to be transformed into the image of Christ. Men need to undergo this life-long transformation so they can be the husbands God wants them to be.
At some point along the way, men need to learn what Ephesians 5 says about being like Christ and laying down their lives for their wives. If they’re going to live that way after they marry, ideally they should learn how to be like Jesus before they marry.
Here is a prayer you can pray concerning this topic:
Father, I ask that You would bless my husband more than he expects to be blessed. I ask that he would come to know You at a deep, intimate level that goes beyond what he thought possible. Please lead his heart and show him how to become more Christlike in his everyday interactions with people. May he have great hope for the future as he seeks You. Please help him to experience the amazing benefits of putting You first in his life.
Pray That Your Future Husband Can Really Connect with God
Women naturally tend to be “better” at praying. Some of us can even pray or meditate on God’s Word for hours. It’s our nature. Certain men do this as well, but in my experience, it can be more difficult for them.
I have learned and am still learning that just like Jesus spent time with the Father while on earth, I have to set aside that special time with God.
I feel like Jesus is saying, “Come to Me. Spend some time with Me. Let Me love and heal you. Let Me talk to you.”
Here is a prayer you can pray concerning this topic:
Lord, please fill my husband with a deep longing for Your Word. I pray that he would have a thirst and an endless love for who You are, to seek You in Scripture and come to know You at a deeper level. May he quickly discover the importance of spending time with You and listening for Your voice. I ask that his heart would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in all things.
Pray That Your Future Husband Has Godly Friends and Mentors
Right before He was crucified, Jesus asked His friends to come and pray with Him. What this Scripture shows me is that even Jesus—the One responsible for all life on the planet (Col. 1:16)—wanted friends who would love and support Him. That is the cry of every human being and the heart of community: We need others to love and support us.
All of us need people in our lives who encourage us, pray for us, teach us what we need to know about God and marriage, and show us how to “do marriage” successfully. Community is a key way God trains men to be leaders and warriors in His Kingdom.
I feel like God is calling my husband and me to tell the men we mentor, “Be part of a group that talks in very vulnerable ways about heart needs. This will help you invite the Holy Spirit to heal you in any areas where you need it.”
Here is a prayer you can pray concerning this topic:
Father, I ask that You would bring my husband godly friends and mentors. May he find himself in relationship with other men who can show him who You are and what You are like. Please train my husband to be a leader and warrior in Your Kingdom.
Pray That Your Future Husband Is Spiritually and Emotionally Healthy
Many of us are used to praying for others for physical healing. We see breakthrough when we pray, which is wonderful.
But I think that more than anything, God is in the business of healing hearts. I believe we’re in a season when God is saying, “More than any other time I’m going to heal through the body of Christ.”
In other words, healing is going to happen in community. God often heals us through the people He’s brought into our lives: those who love on us, who encourage us to be the people He wants us to be, who know how to be friends, who are hospitable and willing to be vulnerable.
Here is a prayer you can pray concerning this topic:
Father, I ask that You would meet my husband in a very special way and heal any places in his heart that are hurting. Please restore his identity through Your abiding love. Help him to be vulnerable and to learn how to expose his heart to the godly men You’ve placed in his life. Please fill him with Your magnificent love so he can turn around and love You the way You desire to be loved. May he be spiritually and emotionally healthy.
I pray that you and your future husband would be greatly blessed, so that one day when God brings the two of you together, you get to reap the many benefits of a godly husband and marriage.
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.
You can also order the book in Spanish. Click here.