3 Prayers When You’re Doubting God’s Promise
Photo by Tamara Bellis
Loneliness and doubt often go hand in hand. When we long for something, but it doesn’t seem to be happening, we can start to wonder what’s going on.
“I never imagined being single this long.”
“I thought God said He was going to do this, but that was years ago and it still hasn’t happened.”
“Am I doing something wrong? Is that why I’m single?”
“Maybe I’m not doing enough. Maybe the wait is my fault.”
Here are three prayers for when you are lonely and questioning if God will do what He said. Take your time with these prayers, and allow the Lord to reassure your heart with His love.
1. The Lord is close to me whenever I feel lost and confused.
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10 NASB)
If something is lost, the world says, “It’s gone. There’s no hope anymore.” But that is not what the Bible says about lost things.
According to Luke 19:10, lost things are a target for Jesus. He is chasing them down to save them and draw them close to His heart. The lost ones are not outside His love—they are actually the very things Jesus is focused on.
Journal about His love. When you are questioning God’s goodness in your life, picture yourself as the target of Jesus. The truth is that you are “found” even when you feel lost.
A prayer for healing:
Father God, Your Word says You are good and that You take care of Your children. Over and over again, the Bible promises that You are faithful in all things. I choose to believe this about You. I know what You have told me, and I know I will see Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
2. The simple, quiet presence of God in my life is astounding.
Be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid of them. Don’t be frightened. The Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave you or forget you . . . The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry. (Deut. 31:6, 8 ICB)
When we can’t see any forward movement in our hopes and dreams, these things remain true:
The Lord is with us.
He hasn’t left us.
He hasn’t forgotten about us.
He is going before us to prepare the way and keep us safe.
There is no reason for us to be afraid.
There is no reason for us to worry about the future.
We are loved more than we can fathom.
His heart for us is better than we know.
He is our tender Father who sees the inside of our hearts.
Journal about His love. When you’re wondering if God will fulfill His promise, remember Psalm 91:4. The Lord is faithful to the extent that His promises are your protection.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection. (NLT)
A prayer for healing:
Father God, please whisper the truth to my heart. Give me the courage to believe Your Word. I am ready to hear what You are saying to me, and I know I will see Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
3. This season of loneliness and doubt will lead to miracles.
Now the Lord God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.” (Gen. 2:18 AMP)
The first person to be alone in Scripture was Adam. God Himself looked at the situation and said, “This is not good. He shouldn’t be alone. Let Me give him what he needs.” God then did what only He could do and gave Adam a miracle.
That is what God wants to do for you too. He has impossible things in store for you, because He loves you and you are His child. Faith doesn’t look at the world and see only what is humanly possible. It sees the hope of the impossible and knows that God is awesome.
Journal about His love. In this season of waiting, be careful to keep your eyes on the Lord. The enemy will do his best to separate you from God and, if he can, make you bitter. But just like Adam did, wait for God and let Him do impossible things in your life.
A prayer for healing:
Father God, You are good and You know what I need. My hopes and dreams are met in You. I can trust You to bring about your good plan for me, and I rejoice in what You are already doing in my life. I know I will see Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
Do Your Emotions Feel Out of Control? A 3-Day Healing Devotional
3 Days of Healing: Start to Hope for Your Future Marriage Again
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.