3 Ways to Invite Jesus into Your Love Life
Photo by Jonathan Borba
You and I have the beautiful privilege of doing life with Jesus. Every day, every hour, when we’re awake, even when we’re sleeping—we can rest in Him and rely on Him for strength, knowing we are deeply loved.
Relying on Jesus in a relationship setting is a new concept for many people.
“You mean He actually wants to be involved in this?”
Yes! That’s exactly what He wants.
Here are three ways you can invite Him into your love life.
1. Begin by asking Jesus to reveal the Father’s love to you.
Healing comes as we believe in faith that we are dearly loved. God’s love is true and faithful. It is the floor under your feet, the walls protecting you, and the roof that shields you from the elements.
His love is in you and all around you. It is already here, and it remains steady even when you feel angry, exhausted, or broken. Sometimes our hearts can’t feel His love, but when this happens, we can rest in the fact that His love is perpetual. It is a constant. It is a rock, just like He is.
God’s love can bring healing to every area of our lives. In Becoming the One, Salomé tells a story about a woman who “missed” her dad’s love for her when she was young because of some lies she believed. As she got to know her heavenly Father’s love, she realized she had been loved as a child too. His love opened her eyes to the love that had always been there.
Salomé writes:
However, as she really started to know the love her heavenly Father had for her, she changed and began believing how blessed and loved she was—even before, by her earthly dad who couldn’t express his love verbally. Her breakthrough came when she stopped believing all those lies, the religious spirit, and legalism she learned at church. It was when she discovered her heavenly Father’s love that she understood she was loved her entire life.
That is how much we need the Father’s love! His unending, constant love changes our lives forever.
If you want to experience the Father’s love at a deeper level, ask Jesus about this. Here’s a simple prayer you can pray:
“Jesus, please draw near to me and reveal the Father’s love to my heart. I want to know His love and be fully convinced by it. Soften my heart to His love, and help me see the signs of His love all around me. In Your name I pray, amen.”
2. Invite Jesus into your thought life, particularly in the area of romantic love, affection, and doing life with another person.
We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. (2 Cor. 10:5 TPT)
It is so easy to adopt relationship ideas that are not true according to God’s Word. The world is filled with fantasies and imaginative ideas regarding relationships and what they’re “supposed” to look like, but these things can be deceiving and set us up for heartbreak. If we rely on something other than the Lord to tell us about love, we will likely end up believing some ideas that aren’t true.
Love is wonderful and hard—it is holy and messy! And the only One who can make it perfect is Jesus. He can show us the real way to think about love, so one day we can step into marriage with joy and good expectations.
Here is one way you can invite Jesus into your thought life regarding relationships:
“Jesus, I invite You to come into my thought life where love and romance are concerned. If I believe any false ideas about relationships, please reveal them to me and show me Your truth instead. I want a relationship based on Your love, not the weaker love of the world. In Your name I pray, amen.”
3. Invite Jesus to speak to you about your love life, and believe He is doing so.
He brings all of his sheep out. Then he goes ahead of them and leads them. They follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger. They will run away from him because they don’t know his voice. (John 10:4–5 ICB)
In your dating life, it is so important to believe you really are hearing Jesus’ voice. You can hear it, and you are hearing it. Getting to know someone can be scary, and you’ll likely have to push through some old fears. Hearing the voice of Jesus makes dating easier.
Do you struggle with doubt and anxious thoughts when you’re in a relationship? “Am I hearing God’s voice? Is this right? How do I know I’m hearing Him? What if I’m making a horrible mistake? This could go very badly for me!”
But John 10:4–5 reveals the simple, lovely truth:
1. You are a sheep in Jesus’ flock.
2. You can hear His voice.
3. As you listen to Him, He will lead you.
Here is one way you can pray about His voice and your love life:
“Jesus, I want to hear Your voice in my dating relationship, and I want to follow You as I get to know this person. Please open my ears to hear You more clearly, and teach me more about what Your heart really sounds like. In Your name I pray, amen.”
This week…
Child of God, you are loved more than you know. May His voice comfort you this week in unexpected ways, and may you grow more and more confident in Him as you date.
If you’re interested in learning more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God, Becoming the One by Salomé Roat is available for $4.99 on Amazon right now. Click here to learn more.
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