Be at Peace with Your Promise
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
The Bible says that God doesn’t do anything without telling His “secret” to His prophets (Amos 3:7). When He is about to do something, He talks about it first.
It is very common for the Lord to tell people some of the details about their future. He gives them promises about the good things He is going to do later on.
His promises are beautiful and fill us with hope. God will do what He said.
But this does not mean that having a promise is EASY. At times, having a promise is TOUGH! You know what is going to happen…but what are you supposed to do about it NOW, when it looks like it isn’t happening at all?
Do you have a promise from God, but there seems to be a delay?
Maybe the Lord told you about your future children—but you’re having trouble conceiving, and you have no idea how this word is going to happen.
Maybe He put a business idea on your heart, and you’re doing your best to build this business and follow His leading. But it’s like nothing is working. You’re waiting for your big break, and it hasn’t happened yet.
Or maybe God told you about your future marriage. He gave you some details about it, but you’re as single as a person can be—and thinking about the promise is starting to drive you CRAZY.
Frustration: “God, I know You said this, but where is it? Why isn’t it happening?”
Doubt: “Did You actually say this…? Maybe I heard You wrong.”
Worry: “What if this never happens? What if I’m single forever?”
Sometimes we start listening to self-condemnation: “Is it my fault the promise hasn’t happened yet? Have I failed God in some way?”
At other times, we listen to striving: “Is it up to me to make this promise come about? Am I supposed to go somewhere? Am I supposed to join an online dating site? What am I supposed to DO?! God, just tell me and I’ll do it!”
Do you feel anxious because you can’t see your promise happening?
Beloved child of God, one important thing to remember about His promises is they are not human things, in need of human strength. Just as God is the Promise Maker, He is also the Promise Fulfiller. He knows what He is doing with you, and His plans for you are good.
Yes, there may be certain things He asks you to do as you wait for your promise to be fulfilled, but you don’t have to rely on your own understanding or power to make the promise happen.
So many people feel guilty or overwhelmed or fearful because they think the promise is somehow up to them, but in actuality, they get to be at peace with the promise, trusting the Lord with everything in them and doing whatever He directs them to do along the way.
Whatever promise you are waiting to see fulfilled, keep in mind this week that the promise is not up to you. You don’t have to make it happen. You get to trust Him and declare His truth, and He will do the hard parts.
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Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.