You Are SAFE with Your Heavenly Father
Photo by Sasha Kim
Do you know how safe you are with Father God?
If you aren’t sure how He feels about you, read 1 Corinthians 13 and imagine He is speaking directly to you.
“Love is above everything else. It’s the most important thing.”
“This is how I love you.”
“I am kind to you.”
“You do not easily anger Me.”
“I do not keep a list of your mistakes and use it against you later.”
“I protect you when you are weak.”
“My love remains. It stays.”
If your relationship with Father God makes you feel anxious, reading 1 Corinthians 13 with an open heart will help you see what is actually real.
Many of us struggle with fear and don’t realize it.
The biblical idea of “the fear of the Lord” is about treasuring Him and honoring His voice and who He is. It is an expression of worship and love.
It is NOT a request that we be afraid of Him and hide the way Adam and Eve did (Gen. 3:10).
Some of us are afraid of God because we know we’re not perfect. We make mistakes. We say things we shouldn’t say. We make poor dating decisions. We feel so much shame because of the past, and we are unable to fully relax in our Father’s presence.
Do you wish you had real peace in your relationship with God?
Is it possible to rest in His love for us and know with all our heart that He will not condemn us when we make mistakes?
The first part of 1 Corinthians 13:4 lets us know how safe we are with Him:
“Love is patient.”
Because God is patient with you, you never need to be afraid of making mistakes, falling short, or messing up.
Because God is patient with you, you never need to be afraid that He will write you off, condemn you, or stop loving you because of something you’ve done.
Patient is one of the all-time best things a dad could be, because it means he will be gentle with his children even when they stumble, drop things, or make a huge mess. He doesn’t get annoyed and walk away, but He gets down on the floor and helps you.
That is how God is with you. He is the best Father the world has ever seen.
If you struggle with fear in your relationship with God, here is a prayer you can pray this week:
Father God, thank You that Your heart is full of patience for me. Thank You that You do not set a performance requirement on me. Your goal is not for me to get everything right! You know what children are like, and You’re okay with messes. You are a good Father, and I can trust You to be a good Father to me, even when I’ve made a mistake. Your patience with me is astounding. Your love for me blows my mind. This week, may my heart come into a deeper understanding of what Your patience is like and what it means for me, personally. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Precious child of God, let your heart rejoice in His love! You are safe with Him, more than you realize.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.