Seeing God in Scripture
Photo by Joel Muniz
God will never tell us to be something He is not. He wants us to be like Him. That’s the goal.
So when the Bible gives us instructions, it isn’t so we can just “obey the rules” or try to perform according to God’s standards. No, He is showing us who He is. We can read between the lines and see His heart more clearly.
“If God is telling me to be kind, it must be that He is kind.”
“If God is telling me to be patient with my brothers and sisters in Christ, it must be that He Himself is patient.”
“If the Bible tells me to be humble, it must be that God is humble too. When I choose to be humble, I am choosing to be more like Him.”
The Father Wants You to See Him
Here’s a good example of how a set of biblical instructions can actually be a picture of the Lord and what He is like for you:
Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted [compassionate, understanding], forgiving one another [readily and freely], just as God in Christ also forgave you. (Eph. 4:32 AMP)
Based on that verse, you can see certain truths about your heavenly Father:
He is kind toward you.
He is constantly available to help you.
He is tender-hearted toward you.
He is compassionate toward you.
He is understanding toward you.
He forgives you quickly.
He forgives you freely.
That is what your Father is like.
Morning Declarations
Here is a list of declarations based on Ephesians 4:32. We invite you to print these off and read them out loud in the mornings as a reminder of who God is for you:
“Today God the Father is kind toward me. With everything I think, speak, and do, I can expect Him to be completely kind.”
“Today God the Father is available to help me. If I have questions or concerns about anything, I can go to Him for help, and He will help me.”
“Today God the Father is tender-hearted toward me. Every time I don’t know what to do or I’m tempted to be afraid, I know He will be tender-hearted toward me.”
“Today God the Father is compassionate and understanding toward me. He knows me more than anyone knows me, and He knows why I do what I do. He will not reject me or condemn me. He will only love me.”
“Today God the Father will quickly and freely forgive me. I don’t need to be afraid of making mistakes or messing up. Even if I completely fail and fall on my face, He will be quick to hold me and forgive me.”
Which verses in Scripture help you see God more clearly? Which passages help you see His character, His heart, and His beauty? Take note of everything that helps you see Him better.
This week, may you know His love at a deeper level! And may your heart be able to relax in Him!