Turning Your Dating Relationship into Worship
Photo by Helena Lopes
Did you know you can worship the Lord with your relationship?
Worship is an everlasting act in the midst of temporary things.
Technically, even marriage is temporary (Matt. 22:30). But the one thing that will last forever is our worship. There is no greater thing we can do than worship the Lord.
Many, many things fall under the heading of “worship,” including your dating relationship.
The following prayers are expressions of worship, and they are precious to Him. Depending on your circumstances, you may not be able to feel the weight of these prayers right now, but know that you are doing something of exquisite value to your Father’s heart.
He Is Glorious in Splendor
Read the following verse in light of your relationship. What do you think it means for you and the person you are dating? What does it say about your relationship?
Greatness, power, splendor, glory, and majesty are yours, Lord,
because everything in heaven and on earth is yours.
The kingdom is yours, Lord,
and you are honored as head of all things. (1 Chron. 29:11 GW)
Here are three ways you can worship the Lord with this verse. Think of these as “sample” prayers, and try to give your heart time to speak to Him:
“Father, You are the head of all things, including my relationship. I say in faith that I see You, and I acknowledge that You are with me as I date this person.”
“You are the glory here. You are the splendor of this relationship. My relationship is beautiful because You are beautiful. You are the reason for the good things I am experiencing.”
“This is Yours. Me, this other person, their heart, my heart, all our hopes and dreams for the future—these things are Yours, and I trust You to lead us well.”
The Simple Things Declare His Greatness
Read the following verse with your relationship in mind. Consider the reasons God is great in your relationship.
For this reason You are great, Lord GOD (2 Sam. 7:22 NASB)
Spend a few minutes with the Lord meditating on 2 Samuel 7:22. With this verse in mind—what would You tell Him? What would you thank Him for? The following prayers are simple and childlike, but simple prayers sometimes are the most profound. If some of the details don’t apply to you, change them as necessary:
“Lord, I woke up this morning. I have another day in which I can see You and love You. For this reason, You are great.”
“I have a job. For this reason, You are great.”
“I have a car that works. For this reason, You are great.”
“I had a good day today. For this reason, O Lord, You are great.”
“Father, the person I am dating really clicks with me. You made the two of us in such a way that we understand one another. For this reason, O Lord, You are great.”
“Lord, this person has chosen to love me. They didn’t have to, but You moved on their heart and they responded. For this reason, You are great.”
He Is the God Who Remembers the Details
Read the following verse with your relationship in mind. Think about the areas of conflict that are causing you concern—and how God is attending to each and every one of those places.
Lift up your eyes on high and see:
who created these?
He who brings out their host by number,
calling them all by name;
by the greatness of his might
and because he is strong in power,
not one is missing. (Isa. 40:26 ESV)
Quiet your heart, and consider Isaiah 40:26 through the eyes of your spirit. What does it mean that God is strong in power—in your relationship? What does it mean that He looks after things and not one of them is missing? Here are four ways you can worship the Lord with this verse:
“Father, thank You that my questions matter to you. You do not overlook them, and they are not an inconvenience to You.”
“I bring my questions and concerns before You, knowing that You are strong in power and You will answer me.”
“Father, You have a perfect order for my relationship. It is like a divine dance, and that is what we want as a couple—to be in Your perfect order and timing for us.”
“You are great! And everything You do is great. I declare by faith that there is no area in my relationship that is overlooked or unimportant, but You care about every single detail. I am loved and looked after in ways that would blow my mind if I really understood them.”
This Week…
Child of God, you are loved, and your worship is precious to your Father. He cherishes even the very small things you do for Him. This week, may your heart be astounded by God, and may you and your partner uncover reason after reason to be amazed at what He is doing for you.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.
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