4 Beautiful Ways to Pray for Your Relationship This Week
Photo by Taryn Elliott
Praying for your relationship is one of the best things you can do to help it grow.
Here are four simple prayers you can pray over your relationship this week. Have fun with these prayers, and may your heart hear the voice of the Lord in wonderful, beautiful ways!
“The Lord is a safe place for my relationship.”
Be my rock of safety
where I can always hide.
Give the order to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress. (Ps. 71:3 NLT)
Here are a few things Psalm 71:3 says about God, you, and your relationship:
God is your rock. He is your safe place where you can hide from your enemies.
You are not on dangerous ground. Everything is not about to collapse all around you. You are secure.
All you will ever know in your life is the faithfulness of the Lord.
Here is one way you can pray for your relationship based on Psalm 71:3:
Father God, You are the rock of safety in my relationship. You are my shelter and my hiding place, and You are the One who keeps me. Please open my eyes to Your great love for me, and help me see Your love over and over again in my relationship. You are so very good, and my boyfriend/girlfriend and I are tucked safely away in Your goodness.
“The Lord is my Helper in this relationship.”
Behold, God is my helper;
the Lord is the upholder of my life. (Ps. 54:4 ESV)
Here are a few things Psalm 54:4 says about God, you, and your relationship:
The Lord values you so much that He is bending down from heaven to help you.
He is keeping you alive. He is protecting your heart.
He treasures your life here on the earth, and He also treasures your partner’s life.
Here is one way you can pray for your relationship based on Psalm 54:4:
Father God, my partner and I need Your help in this area of our relationship: ______________. This is how I feel about this issue we are trying to work out right now: ________________. The Bible says YOU are our Helper. You are so good to us! You are the One who protects us, as well as everything that belongs to us. Thank You for the good plans You have for us. We look forward to Your holy assistance in this area where we need help, and we know Your help is coming.
“The Lord is showing me the way to go in my relationship.”
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. (Ps. 119:105 NASB)
Here are a few things Psalm 119:105 says about God, you, and your relationship:
Psalm 119:105 describes what God is like in your relationship. He shows you where you are and where you need to go.
The world is dark, but He is your light.
He tells you where you should place your feet next.
Psalm 119:105 is a sign of His epic, constant, everyday faithfulness toward you.
Here is one way you can pray for your relationship based on Psalm 119:105:
Father God, sometimes I get confused or become afraid in my relationship. You know what goes on in the privacy of my thoughts. They are dark sometimes, but You are my light. You are exactly what I need. Your Word brings me comfort and shows me what is absolutely true about You. Thank You for being the light in my relationship and showing me where I should go.
“The Lord is revealing more of His truth to me as I date this person.”
Use the truth to make them holy. Your words are truth. (John 17:17 GW)
Your Word is truth! So make them holy by the truth. (John 17:17 TPT)
Here are a few things John 17:17 says about God, you, and your relationship:
The Word of God is truth for you in your relationship.
John 17:17 tells you what God’s Word is like for you and what it is doing to you as you seek Him.
When you are confused or uncertain in your relationship, God’s Word can bring you comfort. It will always show you what is real.
When you feel overwhelmed or anxious, His Word is your steady path.
Here is one way you can pray for your relationship based on John 17:17:
Father God, You are my safety net in this relationship. I can trust You and rely on Your Word whenever I feel afraid or confused. Your Word is truth that helps me as I date this person. Please draw near to us and purify our relationship, so it brings honor to You in every way. As a couple, we want to walk together in the truth of Your Word.
This week, may your heart be able to rest in the Lord its Maker. He loves you, He loves your partner, and He has good things stored up for you both.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.
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