Writing Down Your Gratitude for Your Relationship
Photo by Mart Production
Did you know that GRATITUDE can affect your relationship?
Being thankful makes ordinary things holy. It might seem like a normal day, but when You thank God for it, the day becomes something sacred because you are using it as a way to worship the Lord.
It could be just a normal activity—like getting coffee, brushing your teeth, making breakfast—but when you are thankful for it, you turn it into worship. It becomes something sacred.
The same thing can happen with your relationship.
Gratitude has the power to change your relationship. We were actually created to be thankful, so gratitude impacts us at a deep level because it is part of our DNA as humans (see 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).
Gratitude can also increase your faith for your relationship. “This is going to turn out well, isn’t it? I don’t have to be afraid. I can put all my fears aside because I know the Lord has good things stored up for me. I really can trust Him.”
This week, spend some time journaling your thankfulness for your relationship. Do this as an act of faith, and be aware of what happens in your spirit as you write.
Gratitude helps clear the air in your relationship, and all of us need that from time to time, especially when we’re frustrated or feel anxious.
Journaling idea #1: “The Lord is faithful to me, and here is one way I have seen His faithfulness in my relationship.”
In all he does he is faithful and just;
all his commands are dependable. (Ps. 111:7 GNT)
Where have you seen the faithfulness of the Lord in your relationship? What is one thing He has done for you that means so much to your heart? Take a few moments, and journal about it. It can be really simple. (You don’t have to be utterly brilliant.)
Here are a couple of “conversation starters” if you aren’t sure where to begin:
“Father, I really love this thing about You, and I can see it in my boyfriend/girlfriend. Thank you for putting this virtue in their heart.”
“God, I asked You for this relationship, and it means the world to me that You said ‘yes.’”
“You told me You were going to do this thing, and You did it. Thank You.”
Journaling idea #2: “The Lord has set me free from fear, and here is one way I am learning to live without fear in my relationship.”
He sets his people free.
He made his agreement everlasting.
He is holy and wonderful. (Ps. 111:9 ICB)
If you struggle with anxiety, chances are you’ve gone through some tough times in your relationship. “I’m afraid! I’m scared! How do I know this is the right person for me? What am I going to do?”
What has the Lord done to set you free from fear in your relationship? What has He told you? Where have you seen Him move on your behalf? Where have you experienced His comfort? Take a few moments, and journal your response.
“Jesus, I absolutely love how You have set me free in this area. Thank You.”
“Lord, when I think about how You’ve helped me, this is how I feel. I am so very grateful.”
“I can see what You are doing for me, and it means so much to my heart. Thank You.”
Journaling idea #3: “The Lord is not afraid of storms. He knows how to calm them, and here is one way He has stilled the chaos for me.”
He calmed the storm to a whisper
and stilled the waves. (Ps. 107:29 NLT)
What is crazy and chaotic in your life right now? Where do you need the Lord to calm the storm and still the waves? Take a few moments, and journal your response.
Here are a couple of ideas to help you get started:
“Father, I wasn’t sure how this was going to work out, but You came and stilled this storm for me. Thank You.”
“God, my boyfriend/girlfriend and I couldn’t agree in this area, but You showed us what to do.”
“My emotions were crazy, and I couldn’t tell what was real. But then You came and stilled the waves for me. I am so grateful for what You have done.”
The Beauty of Gratitude
Gratitude is an “acceptable service” to the Lord. We might not always feel the worth of our thanksgiving, but it has great worth to His heart. It is a pleasing sacrifice to Him.
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let’s show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe. (Heb. 12:28 NASB)
I will worship you and offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving. (Ps. 116:17 TLB)
Every time you pause to thank Him, every time you take a moment to think about how grateful you are for what He has done—in your dating life, at your job, in your quiet time with Him—you are giving Him a gift that delights His heart. Expressing your gratitude will help you see His face.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! Check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat to learn more.
“Awesome book!” (Amazon Review)
“Loved this well written, candid, and thought provoking book!” (Amazon Review)
“In a culture that puts so much emphasis on ‘finding the one,’ it is refreshing to read the importance of ‘becoming the one’ in a relationship.” (Amazon Review)